An integral part of the PATRIOT ACT story is the alien race known as the Dropa. In 1938, an expedition led by archeologist Chi Pu-Tei came across the pathless Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains in the modern-day Chinese province of Qinghai. The group discovered some caves in which numerous strange-looking skeletons were entombed. All of the skeletons had abnormally big heads and small, thin, fragile bodies. There were no epitaphs at the graves, but the explorers did find 716 stone discs with bizarre hieroglyphs on them. From a hole in the center of each disc, a groove spiraled out to the rim. The archeologists had no idea what kind of information was encoded in the hieroglyphs.
In the early 1960s Beijing Academy of Sciences professor Tsum Um Nui succeed in translating a few passages of the inscriptions on the stone discs. But upon completing his report, the scientist ran into a problem: The Academy banned the publication of his work. This is not surprising when one considers the unusual conclusions that Tsum Um Nui and four assistants drew. They were certain that the hieroglyphs on the stone discs told of the crash of an alien spacecraft in the mountains 12,000 years ago!
What the Stones Reveal?
The Dropa disks tell the story of a space probe from a distant planet that crash-landed in the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of the Himalayas. The occupants of the spacecraft – the Dropa – found refuge in the caves of the mountains. Despite their peaceful intentions, the Dropa were misunderstood by members of the Ham tribe who were occupying neighboring caves and who hunted down the aliens and even killed some of them.
A translation of one of the passages says:
“The Dropa came down from the clouds in their aircraft. Our men, women, and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropa, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions.”
The stones go on to say how the Dropa were unable to repair their disabled spacecraft and could not return to their home planet, and so were stranded on Earth. If that’s true, have their descendents survived? PATRIOT ACT answers this question and more.
there is tons of research and commentary about the "Dropa". i hope anybody who is interested in science fiction and religion gets out there and finds out more. it is some really fascinating and stunning stuff. check it out.